Schweizer Familienforschung auf dem Internet
Généalogie Suisse sur l'Internet
Genealogia Svizzera su Internet


Regional Contacts / Regionale Kontaktadressen
Contacts régionaux / Contatti regionali


BE / GR / other cantons / andere Kantone / autres cantons / altri cantoni

St. Gallen : map of regions / list of communities / list of church records

*01* St.Gallen

*02* Rorschach

*03* Unterrheintal

*04* Oberrheintal

*05* Werdenberg

*06* Sargans

*07* Gaster

*08* See

*09* Obertoggenburg

*10* Neutoggenburg

*11* Alttoggenburg

*12* Untertoggenburg

*13* Wil

*14* Gossau

  • Bernadette Oertig will provide basic information on research in the Linth region (districts of Gaster and See) free of charge / additional research upon request will be charged depending on the time spent - please, ask for a quote.

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General topics | Allgemeine Themen | Informations générales | Informazioni generali

This page is maintained by Wolf W. Seelentag. / Last updated 31 December 2017.
Please forward any comments and/or additions to this webpage to the WebMasterCH.